This week on Mimosas with Moms, Abbey welcomes Nicole Schwarz! Nicole is a licensed marriage and family therapist turned parenting coach! As Nicole grew in her field she began learning more about the brain, how it influences behavior, and how we as parents can help our children without the use of rewards and consequences. Nicole focuses on three components while coaching parents – Calm, Connect, and Teach! Calm brains make good choices, connection before correction can make all the difference, and teaching rather than consequences helps kids learn from their mistakes. How can you parent more positively? Let’s talk about it, CHEERS!!
You can find Nicole Schwarz, LMFT, Parent Coach:
IG @imperfectfamilies
FB – Imperfect Families
Pinterest – Imperfect Families
Nicole is offering her ebook “Positive Parenting for Imperfect Families” for FREE at
IG @mimosaswithmoms
FB – Mimosas with Moms